~ Unreal Mad


It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t explained

Science always have the best explanation to understand the works of engines and machines. Science makes our lives easier, science makes us rule the world, but sadly, science always has loads of homework to do and some of them is explaining 10 things below.
Here`s Top 10 Mysteries Science can`t explained. It is more than 10 actually
1.The WoW signal
science cant explain 1 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
Wow Signal
The Wow! signal was a strong narrow band radio signal that was found and detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio State University on August 15, 1977. Science cant explain what is this actually
2. Female Orgasms
science cant explain 2 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
2.Woman Orgasm
There are many theories about how to give an orgasm to your woman but science can`t perfectly explain what is or how to get it. It is one of the greatest homework for all biologist and researchers.
3.Dark Energy
science cant explain 3 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
Dark Energy
Universe is filled with more dark than light and Dark energy is the best credit to name it .Dark energy is hypothetical form of energy that make the universe expanding in accelerated rate The force is so strong so that it is not effected by the strong gravity of stars, planets or galaxy. Only view acceptable explanation about it and the rest story remains a mystery
4. The Speed of Light
science cant explain 4 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
The Speed of Light
Moving Faster than a speed of photon or light is impossible according to Albert Einstein. In year 2000, Princeton`s scientist tried to break Einstein`s theory used laser light and a vapor made up of gaseous cesium and they did it.Unfortunately, the explanation was unacceptable. The speed of light remains a mystery of first decade of 21th century
5. The Placebo Effect
science cant explain 5 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
5.Placebo Effect
What cures human from the allergy ? the pill or “the believe” that the pill will works ? Placebo effect is unexplainable because there is no theory that can be used to explain where it comes from and how it can effect human`s condition and rehab
6. Cold Fusion
science cant explain 6 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
6. Cold Fusion
Can atoms fused together out of an extremely energized environment such as the sun`s core? The answer is yes and no. US Navy experiment have showed that if we pass a voltage between palladium electrodes and placed in heavy water or deuterium, Cold Fusion will happen. There is confusion here and that makes the mystery of Cold Fusion remain unsolved
7. Yawningscience cant explain 7 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
Yawning is more easier to do than to be explained. All explanation just theory and it is no sensible explanation can tell what is the real mechanism of Yawning
8.Dark matter
science cant explain 8 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
8.Dark matter
Dark matter is different from dark energy and it is effected by gravitational effects. Serious studies are already held to explain the matter but it is still no real explanation can light what it is and how we can get benefir from it
9. Déjà vu Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
Or in English “already seen” is a mystery that happen to almost all son of Adam in the world. There is no laboratory in the world or scientists dare to seriously research this issue and spend millions of dollar to fund it. The answer lays on our brain and it is amazingly connected with time and space.
10.What is before and after lifescience cant explain 10 Top 10 Mysteries that Science can`t  explained
What was before the time created and what will happen when time end remains a mystery for every one of us. Science can`t explain it well and religion remains keep the secret behind their holly text. Other mysteries such us, what happen once we died also another puzzle that no science can explain. It is the top mystery that all people willing to know

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