Toilet Theme Restaurant ~ Unreal Mad


It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Toilet Theme Restaurant

This is a real restaurant in Taiwan, Taiwan's ultra-popular Toilet Bowl Restaurant (known by locals as the Marton Theme Restaurant) The name after the Chinese word "matong" which translates as you guessed it toilet.

The restaurant's decoration are tables maded out of converted sinks and bathtubs. Real shower nozzles and shower curtains hang overhead. Most importantly, there are actual toilets, bidets, urinals, and Oriental "squatters" (which pretty closely resemble hospital bedpans) everywhere. They are the seats you sit on. They are the wall decorations you look at. Sitting in the toilet while eating might be a new experience for all of you food fanatics.
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